Monday 28 February 2011


After researching different themes and styles of fashion prints both on my blog and in my sketch book, I have decided on a theme and starting point for my print designs. I have seen how successful prints can originate from any random theme; therefore it has been hard for me to have a preference. However, I have gone with the inspiration of 'under the sea' for several reasons.
Firstly, I reflected on my design philosophy which is driven from the forms and colours found in nature. Secondly, I have taken influence from my surroundings, as I have always loved living by the sea here in Bournemouth, with all the coastal scenery and wildlife on offer.
This also made me think of the time I went scuba diving on holiday in Egypt, where I witnessed an amazing variety and explosion of colour in the sea life and coral reefs. I find it so fascinating that there is such a rich variety of life and colour under the blanket of dark waters that make up our oceans and seas. The fact that it is almost a hidden world that we rarely get to see or appreciate makes me feel that under water life is very precious, and a fitting choice to show my appreciation through my print designs.