Tuesday 26 April 2011

Packaging Ideas

This week I am going to be kept very busy making my tops, as I received my final printed fabric back from Fabpad and so far I am very pleased with the results.
As a break from sewing, I have decided to look at packaging ideas which will be used to promote and display my tops and also strengthen B Boutique's brand identity. I have designed these simple yet effective paper carrier bags and swing tags, using the same colour palette from the current collection to create cohesion and impact.
I have also decided to create my own bespoke B Boutique coat hangers, after being inspired by the fantastic Emma Cook hangers from my previous blog post. I wanted the design of my coat hangers to be clean and simplistic as to not distract attention from the tops, however I added design details such as the cut out B in order to personalise them to the B Boutique brand. I got my Dad to make them out of clear acrylic, which I think adds a modern and stylish touch. I am looking forward to trying them out on my finished tops.