Tuesday 1 March 2011

Learning Agreement

Now that I have the theme for my print designs in place, I have written a synopsis of what this project is going to entail and the direction I intend to take.

For my Major Project, I am interested in exploring the processes of fashion fabric prints; especially the creative aspects such as colour combinations, fabric manipulation and experimenting with scale and repeat prints. I believe that I have the qualities required for creating successful fashion prints, such as a strong eye for colour and knowledge of the computer software, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop which are used at industry level. 
For this unit, I plan to develop these skills within the process of print design, and also gain a wider range of technical skills for translating my print designs onto fabric, such as screen printing and digital printing. In order to create a range of fashion prints, I intend to take my inspiration from underwater life as this reflects my personal design philosophy which focuses on the beauty and diversity of colour throughout nature. Primary research will generate the starting point for my print designs, from which I plan to experiment with incorporating my own illustrations and artwork into print ideas.
To make sure my print designs are successful and relevant to the current fashion industry, I will need to explore existing and future print trends and designers. I am most interested in targeting my print designs to the younger, contemporary end of the high street market, as I feel my personal design aesthetic is more suited to the commercial and less conceptual sector of the fashion industry. Throughout this project, I intend to produce a body of work which will effectively promote and present my print designs in a clear and professional format.